Defensoría del Pueblo
The mission of the Ombudsman Office is to safeguard and champion the rights of individuals and the community by overseeing State obligations. The logo depicts six adjunct offices, covering areas such as Women’s Rights, Public Services, Indigenous Peoples, Childhood and Adolescence, etc. The hands in the logo symbolize presence, while the flower represents an embroidery pattern from Ayacucho that confronted significant challenges in the 1980s. This system, structured like a puzzle, is designed for clear and effective communication within diverse institutions and communities across Peru.
While the identity project may not have been fully implemented, we wanted to share and celebrate the creative process we experienced while collaborating with these talented individuals: Ena Andrade, Luben Petkoff | Defensoría del Pueblo team: Nora Loredo de Izcue, Gaby Bustamante.